
I Love My Life.... Merdeka^^

Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

Karena terlalu kreatif, Si Dias nemuin tempat chating baru namanya omegle. Berbekal bahasa Inggris yang sangat2 pas2an ( Si Dias rada jongkok kemampuan berbahasanya, di semua bahasa...... bahkan bahasa klingon). Kalian bisa berbahasa inggris kan, jadi tidak perlu saya terjemahkan, supaya transletannya tetap di jalan yang benar :P

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: My brain is like a meringue
Everything stops and I watch
From the heat pipes down
Onto the busy world of the bathroom tiles
Dias: oh yeah, and then what happen? (awal chat udah dikasih puisi.... hope not chatting with homosexual...)
Stranger: um, hang on a sec (Dias ngeganggu sang pujangga wahahhaha)
Stranger: And I look and I look
Beyond your slender legs
I can see in the kitchen
The dog's plate which makes fun
Of my big bruise.
Stranger: Because of its unbearable ridicule,
The situation leads me
To the ineluctable analysis
To the strategy which follows:
To wait quite stoically
Without ever wandering all over the world
That death protects me from torment
That death frees me from Edmond's laughter.
Dias: is that a poem?
Stranger: it's the lyrics to a song, translated from french (chat ma orang prancis dong :P)
Dias: what song dude?
Stranger: lavabo, by etron fou leloublan (never heard of, that's for sure)
Dias: I am listening boys like girls now (Si Dias balik ke habitat lama, music cadas!!! setelah sebelumnya sempat melalang buana di jagat jazz. Menurut bahasanya Rica musik yang genjreng2 dari kamarnya Dias adalah music cadas...)
Stranger: sounds like a shitty band or song (Wah si bule prancis ngenyek musikku. Aseeemmm!!!)
Stranger: you'd hate EFL (Mungkin, tapikan Si Dias blom pernah dengar, dodol ikh)
Dias: hahahaha i dont even heard of EFL (Tumben jujur :P)
Stranger: well duh
Stranger: i never said you did
Dias: well maybe I'll download it
Stranger: ok
Stranger: bye now (karena beda aliran si bule pergi, dadah)
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

are you thomas anderson? (ada yang kenal sama dia?)
right (Si Dias sok taunya kumat!!)
u re chatting with the right person (Kebohongan level menengah...)
where r u from then
wait, i m googling first to make sure where i come from (Karena tidak tau, mending nanya mbah google, that's the best solution :P)
Your conversational partner has disconnected. (Menyadari telah berbicara dengan orang yang salah...)
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring.
Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hi.
Dias: hi
Stranger: can i tell you something?
Dias: sure
Stranger: I SEE DEAD PEOPLE (dari awal chat dah heboh, kayaknya menarik ni...)
Stranger: DO YOU SEE THEM TOO (jujur, Si Dias ga bakalan liat, alias ga berani liat)
Dias: wow great!!
Dias: I thought it was you (Jawaban dodolnya dias, dia chat ma arwah dong 0_0)
Stranger: uh
Stranger: do you see 'em or not
Dias: no
Dias: I m not in a war (emang bukan jaman perang walaupun hari ni 17 agustus, independence daynya Indonesia :P)
Stranger: ok good
Stranger: just checking
Stranger: so what's the best thing that ever happened to you?
Dias: i m still alive (Satuhal yang selalu disyukuri sama Si Dias)
Dias: hahahaha
Dias: what about u?
Stranger: uh
Stranger: well
Stranger: surely theres something a bit more exciting than that
Dias: what is that?
Stranger: and i dont recall any supergreat things happening to me really (Sejujurnya hidupnya Si Dias jg ga supergreat banget kok, namun tetap menarik untuk disimak dan diperbincangkan, setajam silet...)
Dias: life is funny you know (Entah si Diasnya yang dodol....)
Stranger: life sucks for me recently though (bisa dipahami, beda pandangan sama Si Dias)
Stranger: but yeah it is funny sometimes (Haha... Si Dias emang persuasif, walaupun kau bilang kadang, bule !!)
Dias: that's always happen to me, well I could say that cause it always happens all the time (jangan syirik ya stranger, haha)
Dias: even in my hardest moment hahaha
Stranger: which is?
Dias: my disertation (Sumpah, Si Dias ga tau bahasa inggrisnya skripsi, ingetnya disertasi, jadinya dia jadi keren banget....)
Stranger: HOLY SHIT
Dias: my stressful day, hahaha
Stranger: have i actually come across an intelligent person? (bukan, yang benar lucky person hahaha)
Stranger: i thought they didnt exist (kayaknya sih, untuk poin ini aku setuju denganmu...)
Stranger: on omegle, that is
Dias: I am not an intelligent, just a commoner (merendah, coz menyadari kesalahan disertasinya.... )
Dias: really
Stranger: whats your dissertation about
Dias: oxidative stress (skripsinya dias kan itu...)
Dias: and really, that's piss me of hahahaha
Dias: how's ur life recently?
Stranger: fucking shitty as hell tbh
Dias: what was happening to you? may I know?
Stranger: yup, my dog is about to die, my vacation consists of staying at home and taking care of everyone while everyone else is out, i was rejected into the 2nd year of my university studies and i broke my arm 3 days ago (Weeee cukup sial sih....)
Stranger: i couldnt be happier
Dias: everything happen for a reason dude
Dias: maybe u'll get better than that
Dias: how was ur arm? Is it fine if u still chatting ^^
Stranger: well, broken
Stranger: uh yeah well theres not much i can do really
Stranger: it kinda hurts when typing, but i can manage
Stranger: its not like i can do much else
Dias: hmmm
Dias: where are u from?
Stranger: holland (momen kemerdekaan dan Si Dias berada di atas angin atas stranger belanda ini.... hahahhaha)
Stranger: ring any bells?
Dias: windmill ^^
Stranger: exactly
Stranger: lots of 'em
Stranger: there's one within a mile from me
Dias: wow
Dias: I never go abroad yet (jujur banget, ntar ada kesempatan ke luar negeri kok yas, ahahhahhaha)
Stranger: where do you live?
Dias: i m in bali (tehnik dari temen, mending ngaku bali, daripada Indonesia, orang lebih tau...)
Stranger: thats like the other side of the world
Dias: indonesia
Dias: different continent haha
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: so how old are you
Dias: 22 this year
Dias: what about u?
Stranger: 21 (mudah2an dia tidak menyadari disertasi tadi...)
Dias: wow younger than me
Stranger: i dont think thats hard to find on omegle ;)
Dias: not really
Dias: usually i meet teenager
Dias: g2g nice to meet you (Si dias ada urusan, karena panggilan alam..... gara2 bakso tadi nih...)
You have disconnected.

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