
seperti apa malaikat itu?

Jumat, 17 Juli 2009

Pas jalan2 di dumay (dunia maya :-P ), dengan sangat kreatif aq nemu sekumpuluan kata2 menarik buatq (baca= buatq, kalo buat kalian ga menarik aq ga maksa :-P).


Like the little old lady who returned your wallet yesterday.
Like the taxi driver who told you that your eyes light up the world,
when you smile.
Like the small child who showed you the wonder in simple things. >>>dias likes this
Like the poor man who offered to share his lunch with you.
Like the rich man who showed you that it really is all possible, if only you believe.
Like the stranger who just happened to come along, when you had lost your way.
Like the friend who touched your heart, when you didn’t think you had one.
Angels come in all sizes and shapes, all ages and skin types.
Some with freckles, some with dimples, some with wrinkles, some without.
They come disguised as friends, enemies teachers, students, lovers and fools.
They don’t take life too seriously, they travel light.
They leave no forwarding address, they ask nothing in return.
They are hard to find when your eyes are closed,
but when you choose to see, they are everywhere you look.
So, open you eyes and count all your Angels — for you are truly blessed!
well... find your angels :-P

Aq yakin kok kalian bisa menjawakan english ini, jadi ga usah nranslet yak ^^

Kalo ditelusuri lebih jauh seumur hidupku di dunia ini, rasa2nya aq dah berkali2 nemuin malaikat....

Well, my first angel absolutely is my mom and dad... love you so much ^^ 

Meskipun aq menuju baik (blom 100% baik, at least I try to be a better daughter :-P ) rasa2nya ga akan pernah cukup buat ngebales yg telah dilakukan ortuq selama ini (based on my wonderful track record, hahaha)....

Selain mereka pastinya ada angels lainnya dong pada momen2 berharga dalam setiap hembusan nafasq, yang mungkin pada saat itu kehadiran mereka kuanggap kebetulan. Ketika saat itu aq betul2 butuh bantuan.....

But there is no coincidence, everything happens for a reason :-P

Tuhan tahu lah apa yang kita butuhkan, jadinya Dia mengirimkan malaikat2 itu untuk kita, or maybe you become somebody's angel :-P, I hope so....

Jadi, ingatlah orang2 yang telah membantumu, orang2 yang telah menentramkan hatimu, orang2 yang membuatmu tertawa, orang2 yang telah menertawakan kegagalanmu (if u take a lesson and make a move, to prove them wrong :-P), orang2 yang telah membuatmu merasa jadi manusia. Bahkan untuk seorang yang sangat2 asing (perfectly stranger)......

Well, look around, seek ur angels, be the best of you, and you'd become somebody's angel :-P

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