
Acute Stroke Care: A Manual from the University of Texas - Houston Stroke Team (Cambridge Pocket Clinicians)

Minggu, 14 Desember 2008

You have just encountered a possible stroke patient. You ask yourself, what should I do first? How do I know it is a stroke? Is it too late to reverse the damage? How do I do the right things in the right order? This book will help you answer these critical questions. It provides practical advice on the care of stroke patients in a range of acute settings. As new and effective treatments become available, and designated stroke centers are created, this guidebook will help inform the healthcare professionals responsible for delivering care. The content is arranged in chronological order, covering the things to consider in assessing and treating the patient in the emergency department, the stroke unit, and then on transfer to a rehabilitation facility. All types of stroke are covered. A comprehensive set of appendices contain useful reference information including dosing algorithms, conversion factors and stroke scales.

Bisa ngartiin sendirikan???

Intinya, kalo kemungkinan nemuin kasus stroke, paling tidak bisa memastikan ini stroke bukan? apakah masih mungkin memperbaiki kerusakan? bagaimana caranya melakukan hal yg benar dgn urutan yg benar? (promosi) buku ini akan membantu menjawab pertanyaan2 kritis itu, intinya tuh kayak gitu. 

Pokoknya bagus deh, lumayan lah soalnya gak di rapidshare downloadnya bisa banyak sekali download....


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